Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Good Morning! As we move toward a brand new year I want to assure you that I will continue in 2010 to provide hope for upscale singles with the sophisticated party model I developed this year and offered to over 500 of you. I am also planning new, tailored, upscale events during which ACA Indy members can enjoy meeting new single friends for purposes of dating but also to learn, to explore and to enjoy wonderful evenings out with single friends old and new. Do you remember when your mother asked you to go to the prom with the one who asked you because you might meet the one you are really looking for when you get there? It's the same with A Casual Affair Indy. Don't be too concerned if you don't meet "the one" at our lovely events right away as these things take time. Keep in mind that you are promoting yourself in the right upscale group when you attend and meeting new friends who might happen to know that perfect person for you who is NOT at the party that particular night. The important thing is to continue to participate because none of us knows what the Universe has in store for us. Saying "yes" this year is my New Year's resolution. Perhaps it could be yours as well. Let's see how saying "yes" to everything will improve our outlook on life, how it will draw to us new opportunities and how it will attract a new "friend". SK

Monday, December 21, 2009

Indianapolis Monthly Magazine, February 2010

Thank you Indianapolis Monthly Magazine for including A Casual Affair Indy in an upcoming February 2010 article on singles in Indianapolis.